Code of Conduct

1. Respect and Courtesy

At Quality Sense Conf, we endeavor to foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and courtesy. We value individuality and all constructive contributions. Thus, we expect every participant to treat all conference attendees kindly and considerately at all times.

2. Safe and Welcoming Environment

The safety and well-being of our participants are our top priorities.

We commit to providing a safe and welcoming environment, where everyone feels free to express themselves without fear of any kind of harassment or discrimination. We encourage asking questions and making contributions as a pillar for fostering mutual exchange and growth.

3. Collaboration and Diversity

We believe in the power of collaboration and diversity to enrich our experiences and perspectives. We value the multitude of voices and cultures present in our community. Hence, we actively encourage the participation of everyone attending the conference.

4. Accessibility

We strive to make Quality Sense Conf accessible to everyone, regardless of their conditions and circumstances. If you need any assistance or adjustment to fully participate in the event, please let us know, and we will do our best to meet your expectations.

5. Local and Global Context Awareness

We understand the importance of being aware of the context in which we operate, both locally and globally. We commit to considering the specific needs and concerns of our community and contributing positively to our society's sustainable development through our inputs.

6. Networking to Connect

Quality Sense Conf not only provides a learning opportunity but also a chance to establish meaningful connections with industry professionals.

Connecting with others and building networks help us create alliances that can directly impact new developments, products, services, exchange instances, and much more, aiming for our industry's continuous growth.

Therefore, through this event, we foster and promote interaction and idea exchange among participants from various geographical areas and companies, performing a wide variety of roles.

7. Promoting a Community Spirit

We strive to create a conscious and supportive community. We encourage all participants to collaborate, share their knowledge and experiences, and contribute to our community's growth and well-being as a whole.

8. Alcohol and Drugs Prohibition

To ensure a safe and healthy environment, we strictly prohibit alcohol and drug consumption during talks and workshops at the event. We respect each individual's choice but request abstaining from these substances during the conference.

9. Responsible Handling of Personal Data

We recognize the importance of privacy and responsible personal data handling. We commit to complying with all applicable laws and regulations in this matter. This includes collecting, using, and sharing personal information transparently and with the explicit consent of the involved individuals.

On this point, we inform you that we share contacts with some of our sponsors, essential for the conference's sustainability. Additionally, we send our newsletter to all past participants or registrants, keeping them informed about updates, upcoming events, availability of the conference materials, and other relevant aspects.

It is important to note that unsubscribing is always an option.

We encourage all participants to be aware of privacy importance and collaborate with our team in creating a safe environment regarding personal information handling. With this mutual commitment, we hope to strengthen our community's trust.

10. Compliance and Reporting

All participants are obliged to adhere to this code of conduct. Your safety and comfort are our utmost priorities, and we will take all necessary measures to address any issues that arise.

We reserve the right to suspend access to those who undermine the conference values, breach the established code, or compromise the integrity and respect within our community.

If you witness or experience any violation of these norms, we encourage you to report it immediately to the event staff.